National treasures

The national values of Bács-Kiskun County

National treasures

The national values of Bács-Kiskun County

All settlements and communities have values and outstanding achievements that need to be preserved.

All settlements and communities have values and outstanding achievements that need to be preserved. Recognizing, caring for them and transmittingthem to the next generations are the essence and the driving force behind the Hungarikum movement. The overall value-saving work has also communityforming,cooperation making and identity enhancing effects.

On 2 April 2012, the Hungarian Parliament enacted the XXX. law on Hungarian national values and Hungarikums, which created the legal framework for the large-scale work. In the bottom-up system, Hungarikums are at the top of the three-stage national value pyramid. The middle level is dedicated to the outstanding national values, while the base level is represented by the national values of the local inventories. The last ones are important values for the narrower communities, towns, regions, counties. So we have national values, outstanding national values, and Hungarikums. The latter is a distinctive, distinguished national value, which, both in Hungary and abroad, proves that it belongs to the Hungarian national heritage, with its special characteristics, uniqueness, distinctiveness and quality;besides, it also represents the achievements of Hungary. The significance of these values is invaluable because they strengthen our national self-consciousness, the unity of Hungarians in the world, while generating socio-economic transformation and strengthening the positive image of our country. Specific categories of national values are: agriculture and food economy, health and lifestyle, industrial and technical solutions, cultural heritage, sport, tourism and hospitality, natural environment and built environment.

The website presents the national values ​​of Bács-Kiskun County. On the site, you can find Hungarikums, outstanding national values, and values ​​included in the Bács-Kiskun County Depository and in the inventories of the settlements of the county. The site shows the incredible richness and diversity that surrounds us here between the Danube and the Tisza. On the site, you can find great traditions that connect us with our ancestors, architectural masterpieces which formed integral part of our living environment for generations, life works that show us examples and their messages that still affect us today, inventions that are rooted in the past but have significant role in our future. All of these are familiar parts of our everyday lives; we take them for granted and natural many times. But it is worth looking at them again with childlike joy and see how impressive they are. This website would like to draw your attention to this. It is also providing help and giving further impetus to recognizing and protecting additional values.

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